What are the benefits of Freeze Dried Kale?

01 September 2022
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Kale is a superfood that is loved by all. Kale is one of the high-ranking nutrient-rich vegetables with a whole lot of health benefits. For weight watchers, Kale is the perfect snack on the go. Wondering why? Well, it has a few calories per serving, of course.

Freeze-dried kale is the best green vegetable to incorporate into your diet. But is freeze-dried kale healthy? Be assured that freeze dried kale is as healthy as fresh one. We often find the freeze-dried variant in powdered form. Once the kale leaves reach optimal ripeness, they are harvested and freeze-dried to remove any kind of moisture content.

On the contrary, the freeze-dried version of kale is healthier than the fresher one. Freeze-dried kale is nutrient dense and easier to digest. Did you know that a serving of kale has more calcium than milk and more iron than meat?

Wondering about the benefits of freeze-dried kale? Read more here.

1. Longer shelf life

We all love to stock up on vegetables and others while going shopping. The sad truth about kale is that it won’t last long. The leavers wilt soon and you will have to toss them in the trash.

Freeze-dried kale has a longer shelf life which means you can store them for a long period of time. You need not worry over the freshness of kale that is freeze-dried. The nutrients and vitamins stay the same at any point in time.

2. Supports Heart Health

One of the important benefits of kale is that it supports heart function. Freeze drying technology preserves the bile acid sequestrants in Kale which helps to lower cholesterol levels. Kale also has a good amount of Vitamin C which can bring down the bad cholesterol. You can enjoy a life free from the risk of heart disease by consuming kale daily.

3. Makes Bones Strong

The decent amount of Calcium present in Kale can improve your bone health. By including this nutritious vegetable in your diet, you can stay away from the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Supports Weight Loss

Kale has a high amount of water and few calories. It also has a high amount of fiber and protein which makes it a perfect snack for weight watchers.

Easy Digestion

The high fiber content in kale supports easy digestion. You will no longer need to worry about constipation or any other digestion-related ailments.

5. Protects Against Cell Damage

Kale is a storehouse of nutrients like Vitamin C, polyphenols, flavonoids, and beta-carotene. These nutrients protect against cell damage from free radicals. This single benefit of kale is enough to ward off many chronic diseases.

Freeze-dried kale is one of the most loved superfoods on earth. As we have had a quick glance into the numerous benefits of this nutritious vegetable, it is important to incorporate kale into our everyday diet. Freeze-dried kale is as healthy as freeze-dried broccoli and other freeze dried vegetables.

If you are looking for top-quality freeze-dried products, then Flex Foods is the best. Check out our full range of products here https://www.flexfoodsltd.com/.

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