How to select the right product to export from India?

24 April 2024
How to select the right product to export from India?

So you want to tap into the lucrative export market from India? Smart move! But with so many product options, how do you pick the ideal one? It's not as simple as pointing randomly. Getting it right from the start can make or break your export business. Take a deep breath and let us walk you through the process step-by-step.

Know Your Target Market Inside Out

Where are you planning to sell your products? The USA? Europe? Southeast Asia? Different markets have different demands, regulations and consumer preferences. You can't take a one-size-fits-all approach.

For example, let's say you're eyeing the American market. Do some serious homework to understand what clicks with customers there. What are the current trends? What kind of products are they going gaga over? What price points are they comfortable with? Insights like these will help you narrow your product search.

Play to India's Strengths

India has certain product categories where we're the real rock stars. Textiles, handicrafts, gems & jewelry, spices - we've been slaying it for centuries. Leverage this existing competitiveness when picking your export item. You'll have a better chance at grabbing customer attention and market share.

But don't go by reputation alone. Dig deeper to see if we still remain cost-competitive today for that particular product category. Factors like labor, raw material costs and manufacturing capabilities will influence this.

Cost-Effectiveness is Crucial

Speaking of costs, this is a biggie you can't afford to ignore. Whether it's production, labor, transport or any other expense, every rupee will add up. As an exporter, your goal is to keep costs lean while maintaining quality.

India's large workforce gives us an edge for labor-intensive products like garments, leather goods or handicrafts. But we may need to import raw materials for other items, shooting up input costs. Run the numbers and gauge viability before picking your product.

Check the Export Potential

Imagine this scenario - you zero in on an amazing product, but turns out, there's virtually no global demand for it. All that effort would go down the drain! So before getting too attached to any product idea, verify its actual export potential.

Dig into trade statistics to see current import levels in your target countries. Are they already buying boatloads of this item from other nations? Or is it an underserved market ripe for the taking? Look at historical trends and future forecasts too. Choose something with robust and growing overseas demand.

Comply or Be Denied Entry

Every country has its own entry criteria for foreign products. We're talking quality regulations, certification requirements, labeling norms and the works. If your product doesn't tick all the right boxes, you could face delays, penalties or outright denial.

For example, let's say you're eyeing food exports of dehydrated parsley to Europe. You'll need to meet their stringent food safety standards like HACCP. For the American market, you may require FDA approvals. Household products may need eco-certifications. Do your homework on applicable compliance rules for a smooth journey.

Don't Ignore the Logistics

Your product may be outstanding, but if you fumble the logistics, it could spell disaster. How exactly are you going to ship the goods to their destination? By air, sea or land? Will it be full truck loads or partial shipments?

Each mode has its own costs, timelines and operational considerations. Some products like fruits, medicines or animals need special handling and containers. Others may be hazardous, requiring additional protocols. Shipping delays could mean your brilliant product reaches customers too late to be relevant. Factor in all logistics details during selection.

Value-Addition Unlocks Opportunities

While basic products like air dried herbs in India have their market, smart value-addition can give you a serious competitive edge. It could be something as simple as attractive packaging elevating a basic item into a premium gift line.

Or you could take it further - export semi-processed goods and finish the remaining production stages in the target country itself. This could help optimize costs, create local jobs and allow customization as per market preferences. Products like processed foods, industrial components or apparel often benefit from such strategies.

Test First, Then Go Big

Research everything and be super confident about your product choice? That's great, but don't put all your eggs in one basket just yet. Do a small-scale test export first.

Limited trial shipments will give you real, honest feedback. How are customers responding? Are there any unexpected roadblocks? Use these insights to refine your processes and offering. This additional step may seem unnecessary initially, but could literally save your business from failure. Nothing beats actual market validation!

The Right Process is Key

As you can see, picking the ideal export product such as IQF frozen vegetables for your business is a more methodical process than luck. From analyzing your target market to ensuring cost- competitiveness, verifying logistics and compliance, multiple factors need to be evaluated.

But if you follow the right steps, you'll not just identify a winning product, but also lay the groundwork for a robust and sustainable export business from India. The opportunity is massive, so make sure you grab it!

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