Nutrition of Raw vs. Freeze-Dried Vegetables

04 July 2022
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Food has been freeze-dried for a very long time-possibly over a thousand years-because mountain people used to leave produce out in places where the combination of cold temperatures and high altitudes (lower pressure) allowed the water in the food to freeze, then sublimate, or change from ice to evaporated gas without passing through the liquid form. Food with a low water content would be substantially lighter, retain its original appearance (particularly in terms of colors and nutritional value), and survive a lot longer.

Your health will benefit greatly from increasing your freeze dried vegetable intake. Although purchasing frozen vegetables can make it easier to keep them on hand, you might be unsure about their quality.

Water is the major component that separates freeze dried vegetables from fresh meals. Food is preserved using the process of freeze-drying, which eliminates 98 percent of its water content. In addition to preserving the majority of the food's flavor, color, texture, and nutritional content, this also keeps the food from rotting. Some foods that are freeze-dried can last for years! Just keep in mind that you need to drink more water to make up for the absence of water in freeze-dried foods if you consume a lot of them. Also keep in mind that chemical treatments are a part of the freeze-drying process. Even while the majority of the chemicals used in these procedures are FDA-approved and regulated, it's important to be aware that some chemicals may have harmful impacts on your health, especially if you're sensitive to sulfites. So, the question is, are freeze-dried vegetables good for you?

According to studies, freeze-dried fruits and vegetables have somewhat lower levels of several vitamins but higher levels of antioxidants and fiber. The majority of scientists concur that there are seldom any nutrients lost during freeze-drying. The freeze dried sweet corn and green peas , Freeze Dried Mango are the big attention grabbers here.

Calories, what about them? Fruits and vegetables that have been freeze-dried lack water, making them extremely concentrated, which means they have more calories than their fresh counterparts. Confused? Consider it this way: If a cup of a particular fresh fruit has 100 calories, it will become smaller when it is frozen and dried. Therefore, compared to a cup of fresh fruit, a cup of freeze-dried fruit will have more bits of fruit. More calories are consumed as a result. For this reason, nutritionists advise against substituting freeze-dried vegetables for fresh foods in a person's diet; instead, they should be included as a supplement.

Fruits and vegetables, in whatever form, give you vitamins and nutrients that are vital for good health. You should consume a lot of fruits and vegetables every day, whether they are fresh or freeze-dried. Individual recommendations vary, but generally speaking, between two and six servings per day are advised. You are free to choose how to calculate your recommended daily consumption.


If you want to incorporate freeze-dried vegetables into your diet, don't be hesitant to get in touch with us at

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