Your Ultimate Guide to Freeze-dried Food

13 June 2022
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During World War II, freeze-drying technology was developed as a way to preserve blood plasma for battlefield emergencies without requiring refrigeration or compromising the plasma's biological structure. One of the first freeze-dried items to be widely distributed was coffee. Freeze-dried foods are now available in fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, and food flavoring.

Freeze-dried food manufacturers in India dehydrate frozen meals under a vacuum, allowing the moisture content to transition directly from a solid to a gaseous state without having to go through the intermediate liquid state of sublimation. Freeze-dried food retains its original size and shape with minimal cell rupture throughout this process. At room temperature, removing moisture protects a product from degrading.

Freeze-dried foods last between 25-30 years, and the dehydrated products last between 15 and 20 years. Freeze-dried food has a nutritional value that is comparable to fresh food once rehydrated.

How freeze-drying works

Prefreezing, primary drying, and secondary drying are the three processes that are pivotal in the manufacturer of freeze dried foods in India.

  • Prefreezing- Prefreezing is required to freeze dry food below its eutectic temperature, or merely freeze the ingredients (solute) that make up the food. Although a product may appear to be frozen due to the amount of ice present, it is not really frozen until all of the solute has frozen as well.
  • Primary drying- Ice must be removed from the product through sublimation once it has been prefrozen. Two parameters, temperature and pressure, must be carefully controlled. With freeze dried food, the rate of sublimation is determined by the difference in vapor pressure between the product and the ice collector. Molecules transfer from the higher to the lower pressure sample. Because vapor pressure is proportional to temperature, the product temperature It must be higher than the ice collector temperature.
  • Secondary drying- All of the ice has sublimated after primary drying, but there is still some liquid in the product. To get rid of the leftover water, you'll need to keep drying. Isothermal desorption is the term for the process of eliminating surplus water. The extra water in the product is absorbed by raising the temperature above the ambient temperature. Precise freezing methodology and careful storage are critical during the entire freeze-drying process.
  • Conclusion

    Freeze-dried foods provide a number of advantages over fresh foods. Please contact us if you wish to meet any freeze dried food manufacturers in India at

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